Terms & Conditions

Last updated June 2, 2022

BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing is com­mit­ted to safe­guard­ing your pri­va­cy online. Please read the fol­low­ing pol­i­cy to under­stand how your per­son­al infor­ma­tion will be treat­ed as you make full use of our websites.

This pol­i­cy may change with­out pri­or notice.

Some web pages cre­at­ed by BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing use ‘cook­ies’, which are small text files that may be placed on your hard disk for record-keep­ing pur­pos­es. It is essen­tial­ly your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card, and can­not be exe­cut­ed as code or deliv­er virus­es. It is unique­ly yours and can only be read by the serv­er that gave it to you. A cook­ie’s pur­pose is to tell the serv­er that you returned to that web page. Cook­ies in and of them­selves do not per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy users, although they do iden­ti­fy a user’s com­put­er. Fur­ther­more, a cook­ie in no way gives us access to your com­put­er. The use of cook­ies is an indus­try standard.

Many major web­sites use cook­ies to pro­vide use­ful fea­tures for their clients. Most browsers are ini­tial­ly set up to accept cook­ies. If you’d pre­fer, you can set yours to refuse cook­ies. How­ev­er, you will not be able to take full advan­tage of a web­site if you do so.

BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing will not send you any unso­licit­ed infor­ma­tion, includ­ing email regard­ing any com­mer­cial offers or adver­tise­ments at any time. We val­ue the rela­tion­ships we have with our cur­rent and future clients, so we respect these concerns.

Linked sites are not under the con­trol of BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing. There­fore, BlueByrd is not respon­si­ble or liable for the con­tents of any linked site or any link con­tained in a linked site. Links are pro­vid­ed to you as a con­ve­nience, and the inclu­sion of any link does not imply the endorse­ment of the site by BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing .

If there are any ques­tions regard­ing this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy you may con­tact us using the infor­ma­tion below.


BlueByrd Strategic Sales & Marketing
2700 Post Oak Boulevard, 21st Floor
Hous­ton, Texas 77056
Unit­ed States
(832) 651-3104