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June 26, 2020


2 min read

The Early Bird Catches the Worm: why now is the perfect time to implement social selling

Shannon Carlson
The Early Bird Catches the Worm: why now is the perfect time to implement social selling

Social selling emerged around 6 years ago and still many companies haven't heard of it or adopted it. Why is social selling important for you to know? According to the largest social selling platform in the world, LinkedIn, 78% of social sellers outsell peers who don't use social media. That's why.

Waiting to adopt social selling will keep you from reaching your full sales potential.

First of all, what is social selling? Social selling enables you to leverage your network to connect with potential prospects, find new leads and stay in touch with current customers. This modern and savvy sales technique enables you to build credibility and spread relevant information to your prospects. One thing salespeople enjoy about social selling is that it equals less cold calling (insert happy-face emoji). After conducting social selling workshops for the last 5 years in more than 4 different industries, I have concluded that social selling is an absolute must in today's market.

"Social selling enables you to leverage your network to connect with potential prospects, find new leads and stay in touch with current customers."

Due to the current economic conditions, you don't have the opportunity to go out and physically meet with prospects. COVID-19 has made that near impossible. The best way to connect in today's economy is through social selling. LinkedIn provides a user friendly way to search for prospects and maintain those relationships.

The millennial generation is now between 26-40 years old and they are our buyers, sellers and everything in between. Millennials are on social media for a variety of reasons and it's no longer just a platform to apply for new jobs, it's a business tool. Professionals share their struggles, needs, and information that is valuable to them. In sales, we know that listening is key. What better way to listen to your prospect or customer than to see first-hand what matters to them by what they share on their social media. You can interact without emailing or calling, but by discovering and sharing conversation worthy updates to create and grow relationships.

Step 1 in social selling is making sure that you have a proper LinkedIn profile. One of the first things we teach in our social selling workshop is how to be strategic and proactive in building your LinkedIn profile. Once you have that, then we can begin to build your network, source leads and SELL. Don't you want to implement a sales technique that gives you 45% more sales opportunities and makes it possible for you to be 51% more likely to hit quota?  

More about our social selling workshops here.

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